Apex Learning's award-winning math courses are designed by our team of dedicated educators and curriculum specialists to challenge and engage students, helping them develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and build the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. Apex Learning math courses ensure that your child is:
Prepared for the Future
ALVS math courses are designed with state and national standards in mind to focus on what students need to know, understand, and perform in each grade level in order to move on to the next level.
Engaged in Learning
Apex Learning courses are designed to engage students through a variety of interactive and multimedia resources, such as videos, animations, and simulations that help students understand and retain the information.
Confident in Knowledge and Skills
Courses allow students to apply what they have learned and receive immediate feedback on their performance to identify areas where they may need additional support.
Equipped for Critical Thinking
Apex Learning math courses aim to help students develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to use technology effectively in mathematical problem-solving.
Provided with Tools to Learn Effectively
Built-in support tools are offered in every course to help students break down the material whenever and wherever they might need help.
Supported by Certified Teachers
Every Apex Learning course includes support from experienced certified teachers who provide encouragement and feedback on assignments to motivate, challenge, and keep students on track.
AP® Microeconomics
AP® UC NCAAAP® Macroeconomics
AP® UC NCAALiberal Arts Math II
Algebra I – Honors
UC NCAAAlgebra II – Honors
UC NCAAGeometry – Honors
NCAAMath 8
Math 6