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12 Proven Benefits of Online Learning

12 Proven Benefits of Online Learning

In-person learning has been the standard for generations, but a changing world full of unique challenges and technological advancements make considering online options worthwhile. When considering online learning, you may find yourself overwhelmed with the myriad options out there. Apex Learning Virtual School is a great choice for a robust online curriculum that allows students to develop skills and learn content at their own pace. In addition to learning the material, online students also gain all sorts of benefits from online schooling. 

1. Flexibility and Convenience 

The first thing you’ll likely notice about online learning is that it is remarkably flexible and convenient. Traditional school operates on a strict schedule, and all students are expected to wake up at the same time, attend class at the same time, eat lunch at the same time, etc. For some learners, whether they struggle with attention, social anxiety, or other concerns, that rigid structure simply does not work for them. 

Digital platforms like Apex allow students to make their own schedules and move through the day in a way that better suits their needs. The lessons progress as students complete them, and while they come with recommendations for how long to spend on each lesson, students can take as long as they need. With this, the only person dictating when students complete assignments is the student, which grants them more freedom to learn at a pace that suits them best. 

2. Wide Range of Courses and Programs 

In-person learning typically caters to larger groups of students, so the exact progression of lessons is pre-planned and highly unlikely to change. This means that students cannot easily return to previous concepts for review or look forward to later challenges. Online learning allows students to pick from all available topics at their leisure.

Additionally, Apex Learning and other online platforms cover an incredible array of courses and programs that some in-person schools cannot offer because of staffing shortages or limited resources. In addition to all the core classes like English, math, and science, Apex provides Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, too. Students can pursue classes like Accounting I and II or even Principles of Health Science. 

3. Comfortable Learning Environment  

Those hard, plastic school desks can make school an uncomfortable experience, and that doesn’t even begin to account for the overstimulation, peer problems, and crowdedness of many in-person learning options. Imagine, instead, learning from the comfort of your own home. Online learning allows students to pursue knowledge in their own environment, ensuring that they have the best place possible for learning.

4. Lower Total Costs  

Online school through Apex Learning can also be a cost-effective choice for families. Even with public schooling, the costs of transportation and school lunches can stack up. Gas prices continue to rise, and the typical high school lunch can cost around $3. It won’t take long for you to feel the financial strain. 

Private school comes with its own slew of expenses, too, with tuition alone costing an average of $12,000 a year. Add to that the price of transportation and food, and you are looking at steep expenses for a private learning experience. 

Apex, on the other hand, offers a much more affordable option that allows you to save money not only on tuition, but also on transportation and meals since the learning will take place right at home. 

5. More Interaction and Greater Ability to Concentrate 

Without the distraction of traditional schooling, online learning can foster deeper learning and enrichment. With in-person learning, other students, bells, announcements, and the like often interrupt learning and can derail students who may struggle with focus already. Studies have found that online learners report much greater satisfaction with their education because of how distraction-free online learning at home can be. 

Additionally, since online learning is often more individualized than other forms of education, students typically encounter higher levels of interaction with both the material and instructors. Online learning adapts to the needs of individual students, so how they engage with the material directly shapes their experience. Instructors also work one-on-one with learners to ensure success, and this is made much easier when their attention is not drawn away by a classroom full of other students. 

6. Advance Your Career and Hobbies 

The flexibility of online learning frees up time for students to pursue other interests outside of the school curriculum. You may consider pursuing other classes at local community colleges, join intramural teams, or simply learn an instrument at home. These all become much more doable when you can take schooling at your own pace. 

If you happen to work part-time, online school can be incredibly helpful, too. Work schedules can often be inflexible and incompatible with more traditional school schedules, but online learning makes it easier to balance these two parts of your life. 

7. Avoid Commuting 

Whether by bus or car, commuting to school takes away precious time from your day. Buses require you to wait at stops, and then the trip to the school can take even longer. Driving to school by car can be faster, sure, but traffic is another obstacle, eating away time you could be doing anything else. 

With online school, your commute is from your bed to your computer, freeing up all that time you would be stuck in a vehicle for better, enriching activities. 

8. A Broader Global Perspective  

Online school can open up all sorts of opportunities you may not have thought possible. Sitting at home completing online classwork may not immediately seem like a way to get to know the world better, but you will likely have the chance to work with teachers and fellow students from all over the world as you learn online. These interactions and this particular platform allow you to interact with people from all different cultures and backgrounds, enriching your understanding of the world as you learn about the subject matter.  

9. Improved Self Motivation 

With online learning, you bear the responsibility for getting the work done. This freedom can be liberating, but for those unaccustomed to setting their own schedules and sticking to a routine, there will be an adjustment period. Online school has proven to be an excellent way to encourage young people to develop personal motivation and effective work habits.  

10. Refined Critical Thinking Skills 

The courses offered by online learning platforms like Apex already encourage the development of critical thinking skills just as these classes would in person. However, given the self-paced nature of the classes, online courses can inspire an even deeper level of problem-solving skills as students are tasked with tackling assignments and challenges on their own terms. 

11. Healthier Environment

If you or someone you know suffer from any medical condition that makes exposure to germs and viruses particularly dangerous, traditional in-person schooling can be frightening. Withso many students in enclosed spaces, illnesses can spread so quickly in schools. Online school is nearly  free of these  concerns since you’ll likely be working alone in the safety of your own home.  

12. Develop Time Management and Other Life Skills

Learning through online classes models real-world working conditions in ways that traditional school doesn’t often replicate. Students are expected to allocate time effectively and complete tasks in a steady, deliberate manner, much like how tasks are expected to be completed in the working world. Success with online learning demands developing these skills, and if you are able to learn effectively online, you will likely do well working independently in your career. 

When is Online Learning Not the Right Choice?

With all the advantages of online learning, you may be eager to jump on this opportunity, but this approach to education isn’t right for everyone. For one, online students need to already have a certain degree of independence in order to stay focused and manage time effectively. While you will certainly further develop these traits as you go through the online curriculum, if you struggle to get started because of lacking motivation or focus, online learning may not be right for you. 

If you also benefit more from face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers, the limited exposure to other people in online learning may be a problem, too. While you will still interact with teachers and peers in online courses, you will be limited to emails or video chats

You may also miss out on the social aspect of in-person education. While avoiding things like bullying and peer pressure may be a major appeal of virtual learning, some people need a social component to feel fulfilled and engaged. 

In short, online learning can offer many advantages for many types of learners. From developing time-management skills to offering a more comfortable and secure learning environment, online learning can provide many opportunities traditional schooling cannot. However, not everyone is suited for virtual school, so before you commit to something like Apex, make sure you feel confident enough in your work ethic and determination to succeed.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can online learning improve a student’s time management skills?

Yes, online learning can improve a student's time management skills because it requires them to set their own schedules and manage their study time effectively.

Can online learning have financial benefits for families? 

Online learning can have some financial benefits for families by eliminating the need for commuting, reducing textbook and material costs, and offering flexible, and often more affordable tuition options compared to private schools.

What are the pros and cons of self-paced online learning? 

Pros of self-paced online learning include flexibility, personalized learning, and the ability to work at your own pace. Cons can include a lack of structure, potential for procrastination, and the need for strong self-discipline.

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